Monday, December 27, 2010


And lots of it.  Again.  Guess thats what it is all about living in the sub-tropics.  Over the couple of days surrounding Christmas we reieved just over half a metre of rain (+500mm) - so very glad we live on the side of a hill!  So far for 2010 we have recorded 3663mm of rain - over 3 metres year to date.  That's a lot of water!

While all the paddocks are wet, the drainage is excellent and constant so the horses are not actually standing in water.  Except of course there is the generic mud-pit happening at every gateway of each paddock where the horse stand and meet each afternoon and wait, patiently for dinner. 

Riding and training right now has pretty much come to a stand-still, but with the excellent training country and formed rolled roads its generally only a day and we can be out again after rain.  Being Christmas figured the horses could have an extra couple of days break but will resume training soon.  Keen to get back to riding...and Endurance!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Couple of days ago we came up with the name for the foal, EXCHANGE.  Thought about it for a few days and it seems to suit him, and is different so it has well and truely stuck!  Pioneer Park Exchange it is.

We've had about 5 days straight now with little or no rain so Azaria and Exchange have been able to enjoy getting out into the paddock during the day and just using the stables of a night time.  Have been spending a lot of time watching Exchange trialling his future endurance legs, carving it out in the paddock - running flat out doing laps and circles around his mum - up & down the hill and then shortly after flopping down laying flat out, knackered needing to sleep!  Foals are such fabulous creatures to watch grow.

Pioneer Park EXCHANGE

Pioneer Park EXCHANGE 7 days

Monday, December 6, 2010

HE has arrived

The newest arrival for Pioneer Park has made his entrance to the world!  A lovely chestnut (grey) colt born in the early hours on the 2nd Dec.  Big blaze, the pre-requiste pink nose and a couple of stockings and one sock, he looks the spitting image to his older bro Navarone when he was born :>)  All is well with both foal and dam, this will be Azaria's 8th reg'd foal, with 2 unregistered progeny with a previous owner.
Photos as soon as the rain stops.
Now, for the name............!  Suggestions welcome!