Boxing Day 2011 and for us it means that our holiday is over and training for endurance resumes! Both me and the ponies are very definatly guilty of some over-indulging this festive season and have gone from Fab to Flab (well, the ponies at least could have been considered Fab, not sure about me!).
With a dedicated training buddy we set out yesterday at 7am in the already sweltering heat - probably would have been better off starting somewhere around 3am~
Talieb (Pioneer Park Talieb) is being ridden for a combination of 'legging-up' and general saddle education and has been under saddle around 3 times a week during December. Buddy Louise Miller is riding him today while I start the super mare, Miss K (Kai Hai Sterling Sha'kierra) back into work. This pair work nicely together, Talieb trying in vain to match Kieraa's super marching walk! Today Talieb impresses us both by trotting thru water without blinking an eye and crossing numerous water crossings - his only upset is the nasty palm fronds that try to catch him by the leg (palm fronds like to eat horses :: we all know that right?)
Then we saddle Della (Avondale Park Della Cairo) and visiting mare Tarnya who is on a "working holiday" whilst her owner is on a real holiday! Della is all business and has the best work ethic so not terribly impressed this day being partnered with Tarnya who thinks she should eat her way around the 10km loop.
With good intentions of riding more horses in the afternoon, we call it a day and head to the creek to cool off with hubby and dogs in tow to swim and relax in the cool water - finally some Boxing Day tradition!